Sunday, August 21, 2011

Immunity & Nuptials

Dear Readers,

On August 16th in the afternoon a cold I assumed I had beaten took a turn for the worst. I took the horrible rolling fevers as my cue to finally get medical help. It was a kidney infection.

I wouldn't wish one of those on ANYONE. I'll spare you horror stories, let's just say it took 5 days to leave the bed under my own steam.

I wanted to take this as an opportunity to ask you brides past and future for your best protect the immune system tips. I remember the big sister from 16 Candles getting her period on her wedding day and thinking "Oh, no anything can happen. Can't it?" While that scenario doesn't cause any lost sleep I do worry about colds and such.

I'm a big fan of Emergn-C from my starving-artist-with-3-part-time-jobs-days, but I have little else in my bag of tricks so let's hear it. Also, anyone who was sick on the big day how did you cope?

Thank You!

The Recovering Bride

1 comment:

  1. Vinegar and Honey Water.... I've had good results with it and Mike's family swears by it. You should ask Donna for some ideas, too.


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