Thursday, December 8, 2011

Another Bump in the Road

We've hit another snag in my recovery. They happen, but it's harder to be patient when you have a wedding looming. I may need (gulp) another surgery. To pull the pin holding my bone together out. It would be minor as far as surgeries go and recovery would be quick, but I have no idea what it would mean for my time line. If the issue continues to cause me pain I don't know if it could be postponed until after the wedding. It's all very up in the air just now.

I'm frustrated because the whole point of having hip surgery last month was so I wouldn't be in pain at my wedding. I'm really worried even without considering another surgery in the near future that this issue will slow down or stop physical therapy which means my cushion of time between being recovered and my wedding will dwindle or disappear.

Like I said it too soon to know for sure, but the wedding is mostly paid for, invitations have been printed, people have made travel arrangements and so on. There's no stopping it now and I wouldn't want to. Especially not for this nonsense. I should know what the deal is later today. Fingers crossed this bride doesn't fall apart completely before the wedding.

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